Prices can vary depending on different aspects of your child’s case. You should contact our team today to find out what the best treatments options are for your child.
The earlier, the better! The sooner we can get your child used to their surroundings in the dentist chair, the better mindset they’ll have for future appointments. They’re also less likely to develop dental phobia when they have good experiences at their dental appointments as children.
You can contact our clinic now to book your child in to see us. Our team is waiting for your call to book your child into an appointment at Bentley Mathieson Dental Clinic.
Usually, your baby’s teeth will start to appear around 6 – 10 months, and the teething stage will likely end between 25 and 33 months.
The first back molars on the top and bottom arches usually come in between 13-19 months.
You shouldn’t worry about your children’s teeth not falling out as some kids can be late developers. However, if your child reaches the age of 7 and still hasn’t lost any teeth, you should book an appointment with us. We can take x-rays and assess the situation and offer any advice or treatment they might need. There are advantages to a child getting their adult teeth late, so you really shouldn’t worry.
The obvious things would be sweets and toffees, not just for their high sugar content but also because they can get stuck in teeth and are hard to reach when brushing. You could try dried fruits as a snack, but they also contain sugar and can get quite sticky.
We recommend snacks like cheese sticks, yoghurt or other calcium-rich things. Nuts like almonds and cashews also make for good healthy snacks.